Download Draw Bricks for PC (Windows 11/10/8 & Mac)

Want Draw Bricks on your PC? Downloading it’s a breeze on Windows or Mac! We’ll walk you through the steps in no time. Unlock a world of features with just a few clicks. Download Draw Bricks now and explore the awesome stuff it can do on your desktop!

Draw Bricks app for PC

Draw Bricks features over 300 pieces to choose from and the ability to customize colors or select textured blocks like grass, wood, and stone, this game offers endless creative possibilities.


App Name Draw Bricks
Release Date Jul 10, 2016
File Size 23 MB
Version Compatibility Android 4.4 and up
Category Simulation, Sandbox, Casual, etc.

Draw Bricks Features

Extensive Block Selection

The game offers over 300 pieces, allowing players to construct a variety of structures.

Customization Options

Players can customize blocks with different colors or choose textured blocks such as grass, wood, and stone.

Full 3D Movement

Users can rotate the camera by sliding their finger, or zoom in and out using two fingers, providing a fully immersive building experience.

Pre-built Structures

Draw Bricks include various pre-built structures such as houses, vehicles, and castles to inspire and aid in creation.

How to Download Draw Bricks for your PC (Windows 11/10/8/7 & Mac)

Download Draw Bricks on your Windows or Mac in just one click! If you have an Android phone, we can help you download an emulator app to run Draw Bricks smoothly. Don’t worry if it’s new to you, we’ll guide you through the entire process. Ready to enjoy Draw Bricks? Download it now!

Method #1: Download Draw Bricks PC using Bluestacks

Step 1: Start by visiting Here, you can find and download their special software. The Bluestacks app is like a magical doorway that brings Android apps to your computer. And yes, this includes Draw Bricks!

Step 2: After you’ve downloaded Bluestacks, install it by following the instructions, just like building something step by step.

Step 3: Once Bluestacks is up and running, open it. This step makes your computer ready to run the Draw Bricks app.

Step 4: Inside Bluestacks, you’ll see the Google Play Store. It’s like a digital shop filled with apps. Click on it and log in with your Gmail account.

Step 5: Inside the Play Store, search for “Draw Bricks” using the search bar. When you find the right app, click on it.

Step 6: Ready to bring Draw Bricks into your computer? Hit the “Install” button.

Step 7: Once the installation is complete, you’ll find the Draw Bricks icon on the Bluestacks main screen. Give it a click, and there you go – you’re all set to enjoy Draw Bricks on your computer. It’s like having a mini Android device right there!

Method #2: Download Draw Bricks on PC using MEmu Play

Step 1: Go to, the MEmu Play website. Download the MEmu Play app, which helps you enjoy Android apps on your PC.

Step 2: Follow the instructions to install MEmu Play. Think of it like setting up a new program on your computer.

Step 3: Open MEmu Play on your PC. Let it finish loading so your Draw Bricks experience is super smooth.

Step 4: Inside MEmu Play, find the Google Play Store by clicking its icon. Sign in with your Gmail account.

Step 5: Look for “Draw Bricks” using the Play Store’s search bar. Once you find the official app, click on it.

Step 6: Hit “Install” to bring the Draw Bricks to your PC. The Play Store takes care of all the downloading and installing.

Step 7: Once it’s done, you’ll spot the Draw Bricks icon right on the MEmu Play home screen. Give it a click, and there you have it – Draw Bricks on your PC, ready to enjoy!

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What is Draw Bricks?

Draw Bricks is a 3D building game where players can use over 300 pieces to create various structures, with options to customize colors and textures.

How do you control the camera in Draw Bricks?

Players can rotate the camera by sliding their fingers across the screen and zooming in/out using two fingers.

What tools are available in the game?

The game includes tools such as Pencil, Eraser, Paint Bucket, Move, Rotate, and Character Control to aid in building.

Can I build pre-designed structures?

Yes, the game includes pre-built structures like houses, vehicles, and castles for players to use or draw inspiration from.

Does Draw Bricks allow multiplayer?

The game primarily focuses on single-player creative building. Multiplayer functionality is not mentioned.

Are there any in-game purchases?

The information regarding in-game purchases is not specified, so it’s best to check the game details on the store.

What platforms are Draw Bricks available on?

Draw Bricks is available on the Google Play Store for Android devices.

Can I save my creations in Draw Bricks?

While not explicitly mentioned, most building games allow saving creations, so you can likely save your work in Draw Bricks.

What age group is Draw Bricks suitable for?

Draw Bricks is suitable for all ages, especially those interested in creative building and design.

Is the game updated frequently?

The update frequency is not specified, but checking the game’s page on the Google Play Store can provide information on the latest updates.


Draw Bricks offers a robust platform for creative building in a 3D environment. With its extensive selection of blocks, customization options, and versatile tools, players can bring their imaginative designs to life. Whether constructing elaborate castles or simple houses, Draw Bricks provides the freedom and tools needed to create unique structures.

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