Download NostalgiaNes for PC (Windows 11/10/8 & Mac)

Discover how easy it is to download and install NostalgiaNes on your PC, whether you use Windows or Mac. With just a few simple steps, you can have NostalgiaNes on your computer and enjoy its amazing features and functions without any hassle. Don’t let this chance pass you by; come along with us on this journey to get this awesome app on your computer!

Download NostalgiaNes on your Windows or Mac computer in no time! Just follow these easy steps to start the process. First, make sure you have an Android emulator, a useful tool that lets you run Android apps on your PC. After your emulator is set up, you have two simple choices to continue with the download of NostalgiaNes. That’s all there is to it. Are you ready to begin?

NostalgiaNes app for PC

Embarking on a captivating journey into the world of classic NES games, NostalgiaNes distinguishes itself as a premier emulator, meticulously crafted on the foundation of the latest revision of the renowned FCEUX. Designed to be more than just a virtual console, NostalgiaNes immerses users in the nostalgia of 8-bit gaming, providing a seamless and high-quality emulation experience. As enthusiasts traverse through the digital landscapes of timeless titles, the emulator’s user-friendly interface and modern aesthetic enhance the overall journey, making it a standout choice for those seeking to rekindle the magic of retro gaming.

nostalgianes for pc

App Name NostalgiaNes
Developer Nostalgia Emulators
Release Date May 8, 2013
File Size 7 MB
Version Compatibility Android 5.0 and up
Category Casual, Action, Pixelated

NostalgiaNes Features

NostalgiaNes stands out as a top-tier emulator, breathing new life into classic NES games with its robust features and user-friendly interface.

Modern Interface

The app boasts a cool and contemporary design, providing users with a visually appealing experience that complements the timeless NES classics.

Customizable Virtual Controller

Tailor your gaming controls to perfection.

Game Progress Saving and Loading

With 8 manual slots adorned with screenshots and an autosave slot, NostalgiaNes ensures you never lose your progress. Share save states seamlessly across devices via Bluetooth, email, Skype, and more.

Rewinding Functionality

Ever faced defeat by a relentless foe? Fear not! Rewind the game a few seconds back and give it another shot, turning setbacks into stepping stones.

Wi-Fi Controller Mode

Connect multiple devices wirelessly, transforming your phone into a gamepad.

Zapper Emulation

Experience the nostalgic thrill of light gun games with the emulator’s Zapper emulation feature.

Turbo Buttons & A+B Functionality

Take control with turbo buttons and the A+B function, enhancing your gameplay with responsive controls.

Video Modes Support

Whether you prefer PAL (Europe) or NTSC (USA, Japan) video modes, NostalgiaNes caters to your regional gaming preferences.

Hardware Accelerated Graphics

Leveraging OpenGL ES, the emulator delivers smooth and visually immersive graphics, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

Stereo Sound at 44100 Hz

Immerse yourself in the classic tunes of NES games with hardware-accelerated stereo sound.

Bluetooth Gamepad Compatibility

Support for HID Bluetooth gamepads such as MOGA and 8bitdo ensures a seamless connection with external controllers.


Capture memorable moments in your gaming journey with the screenshot feature, allowing you to preserve snapshots of gameplay.

Cheat Codes Support

File Compatibility

NostalgiaNes supports files with extensions .nes and .zip, providing flexibility in choosing and organizing your NES game files.

How to Download NostalgiaNes for your PC (Windows 11/10/8/7 & Mac)

Downloading NostalgiaNes onto your Windows or Mac computer is a breeze! Follow these simple steps to begin the process. First, ensure you have an Android emulator, a handy tool that enables you to run Android apps on your PC. Once your emulator is ready, you have two straightforward options to proceed with the download of NostalgiaNes. It’s as easy as that. Are you prepared to get started?

Method #1: Download NostalgiaNes PC using Bluestacks

Step 1: Start by visiting Here, you can find and download their special software. The Bluestacks app is like a magical doorway that brings Android apps to your computer. And yes, this includes a NostalgiaNes!

Step 2: After you’ve downloaded Bluestacks, install it by following the instructions, just like building something step by step.

Step 3: Once Bluestacks is up and running, open it. This step makes your computer ready to run the NostalgiaNes app.

Step 4: Inside Bluestacks, you’ll see the Google Play Store. It’s like a digital shop filled with apps. Click on it and log in with your Gmail account.

Step 5: Inside the Play Store, search for “NostalgiaNes” using the search bar. When you find the right app, click on it.

Step 6: Ready to bring the NostalgiaNes into your computer? Hit the “Install” button.

Step 7: Once the installation is complete, you’ll find the NostalgiaNes icon on the Bluestacks main screen. Give it a click, and there you go – you’re all set to enjoy NostalgiaNes on your computer. It’s like having a mini Android device right there!

Method #2: Download NostalgiaNes on PC using MEmu Play

Step 1: Go to, the MEmu Play website. Download the MEmu Play app, which helps you enjoy Android apps on your PC.

Step 2: Follow the instructions to install MEmu Play. Think of it like setting up a new program on your computer.

Step 3: Open MEmu Play on your PC. Let it finish loading so your NostalgiaNes experience is super smooth.

Step 4: Inside MEmu Play, find the Google Play Store by clicking its icon. Sign in with your Gmail account.

Step 5: Look for “NostalgiaNes” using the Play Store’s search bar. Once you find the official app, click on it.

Step 6: Hit “Install” to bring the NostalgiaNes to your PC. The Play Store takes care of all the downloading and installing.

Step 7: Once it’s done, you’ll spot the NostalgiaNes icon right on the MEmu Play home screen. Give it a click, and there you have it – NostalgiaNes on your PC, ready to enjoy!

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Are games included in the app?

No, NostalgiaNes does not include any games. Users must provide their NES game ROMs.

Can I customize the virtual controller?

Absolutely! The emulator offers a highly customizable virtual controller, allowing users to adjust button size and position.

How does game progress saving work?

NostalgiaNes supports 8 manual slots with screenshots and an autosave slot. Progress can be shared across devices via Bluetooth, email, Skype, etc.

What is the Wi-Fi Controller Mode?

This unique feature allows multiple devices to connect wirelessly, turning your phone into a gamepad for multiplayer gaming with up to 4 players.

Do the ads affect gameplay?

No, ads do not appear while a game is running.

Is NostalgiaNes open source?

Yes, the emulator is GPLv3-licensed, and its source code can be downloaded from

What file formats does NostalgiaNes support?

The app supports files with extensions .nes and .zip for easy organization of NES game files.

How can I point out bugs and deliver feedback?

To contact the support team, use the provided email address. Your input is valued for ongoing improvements.


NostalgiaNes’s feature-rich emulation and user-friendly design offer enthusiasts a gateway to relive cherished gaming moments. Embrace the nostalgia, customize your controls, and embark on a journey back to the golden era of 8-bit gaming.

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