Download PowerFTP for PC (Windows 11/10/8 & Mac)

Want PowerFTP on your PC? Downloading it’s a breeze on Windows or Mac! We’ll walk you through the steps in no time. Unlock a world of features with just a few clicks. Download PowerFTP now and explore the awesome stuff it can do on your desktop!

PowerFTP app for PC

PowerFTP is a versatile and robust FTP client for Android designed to streamline the management of multiple servers and facilitate seamless file transfers between local and remote systems. PowerFTP stands out as a reliable tool for both casual users and IT professionals.


App Name PowerFTP (FTP Client & Server)
Developer flixapps
Release Date Apr 19, 2020
File Size 17 MB
Version Compatibility Android 8.0 and up
Category Tools

PowerFTP Features

Manage Multiple Servers

PowerFTP allows users to manage multiple servers simultaneously, ensuring efficient file transfers and server management.

FTP Server Integrated

The app includes an integrated FTP server, enabling users to share files directly from their devices.

Device (local) and Remote File Explorer

Users can explore and manage files both locally on their devices and remotely on connected servers.

Split Screen Mode

This feature allows users to browse local and remote files simultaneously, enhancing productivity and ease of use.

Back Button Support

Navigate through folders and files effortlessly using the back button.

Upload and Download

PowerFTP supports easy uploading and downloading of files between local and remote systems.

Send Shell Commands in SFTP(SSH) Mode

Execute shell commands directly via the built-in console for advanced file management.

Multi Folders/Files Selection

Select multiple folders and files for batch upload, download, and deletion, including recursive operations.

Auto Folder Synchronization

Automatically sync folders between local and remote locations at user-defined intervals, with the option to save sync reports as text files.

Bookmark Folders

Quickly access frequently used folders by bookmarking them.

Rename, Create, and Delete Files and Folders

Manage file and folder names, create new ones, or delete unnecessary items.

Move Files and Folders on the Server

Easily move files and folders within the server to keep things organized.

Display File and Folder Details

View detailed information about files and folders, including name, size, type, and date.

Sort Files and Folders

Organize files and folders by name, size, type, or date for better navigation.

Built-in Editor

Open, edit, and save files directly from the device or remote locations using the integrated editor.

Edit Permissions

Change file and folder permissions to control access and security.

Display Symbolic Links

Identify and manage symbolic links within your file systems.

Sleep Lock Option while Syncing

Prevent the device from sleeping during synchronization to ensure uninterrupted transfers.

Copy Directory Paths

Easily copy directory paths with a single tap for quick reference and navigation.

How to Download PowerFTP for your PC (Windows 11/10/8/7 & Mac)

Download PowerFTP on your Windows or Mac in just one click! If you have an Android phone, we can help you download an emulator app to run PowerFTP smoothly. Don’t worry if it’s new to you, we’ll guide you through the entire process. Ready to enjoy PowerFTP? Download it now!

Method #1: Download PowerFTP PC using Bluestacks

Step 1: Start by visiting Here, you can find and download their special software. The Bluestacks app is like a magical doorway that brings Android apps to your computer. And yes, this includes PowerFTP!

Step 2: After you’ve downloaded Bluestacks, install it by following the instructions, just like building something step by step.

Step 3: Once Bluestacks is up and running, open it. This step makes your computer ready to run the PowerFTP app.

Step 4: Inside Bluestacks, you’ll see the Google Play Store. It’s like a digital shop filled with apps. Click on it and log in with your Gmail account.

Step 5: Inside the Play Store, search for “PowerFTP” using the search bar. When you find the right app, click on it.

Step 6: Ready to bring PowerFTP into your computer? Hit the “Install” button.

Step 7: Once the installation is complete, you’ll find the PowerFTP icon on the Bluestacks main screen. Give it a click, and there you go – you’re all set to enjoy PowerFTP on your computer. It’s like having a mini Android device right there!

Method #2: Download PowerFTP on PC using MEmu Play

Step 1: Go to, the MEmu Play website. Download the MEmu Play app, which helps you enjoy Android apps on your PC.

Step 2: Follow the instructions to install MEmu Play. Think of it like setting up a new program on your computer.

Step 3: Open MEmu Play on your PC. Let it finish loading so your PowerFTP experience is super smooth.

Step 4: Inside MEmu Play, find the Google Play Store by clicking its icon. Sign in with your Gmail account.

Step 5: Look for “PowerFTP” using the Play Store’s search bar. Once you find the official app, click on it.

Step 6: Hit “Install” to bring the PowerFTP to your PC. The Play Store takes care of all the downloading and installing.

Step 7: Once it’s done, you’ll spot the PowerFTP icon right on the MEmu Play home screen. Give it a click, and there you have it – PowerFTP on your PC, ready to enjoy!

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How do I set up a new server in PowerFTP?

To set up a new server, go to the ‘Servers’ tab, click ‘Add Server,’ and enter the required details.

Can I sync folders automatically?

Yes, PowerFTP allows automatic folder synchronization. You can set this up by specifying the source and destination folders and defining the sync intervals.

Does PowerFTP support secure file transfer protocols?

Yes, this app supports SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) for secure file transfers.

How can I edit files directly within PowerFTP?

You can edit files through the built-in editor. Simply navigate to the file, open it, make your changes, and save directly within the app.

Can I prevent my device from sleeping during file transfers?

Yes, PowerFTP has a sleep lock option that prevents your device from sleeping while syncing to ensure uninterrupted transfers.

Can I manage multiple servers at once?

Absolutely. PowerFTP supports the management of multiple servers simultaneously, making it easy to handle various file transfers and server operations.

How does the split screen mode work?

Activate split-screen mode by selecting the option from the menu. This allows you to view and manage files locally and remotely side by side.

What file sorting options are available?

You can sort files and folders by name, size, type, or date, providing flexible and efficient file management.

Can I send shell commands via PowerFTP?

Yes, in SFTP mode, you can send shell commands using the built-in console for advanced server management.

How do I bookmark frequently used folders?

To bookmark a folder, navigate to it and select the bookmark option from the menu. Bookmarked folders can be easily accessed from the bookmarks section.


PowerFTP is a comprehensive FTP client for Android that caters to a wide range of file management needs. With its extensive feature set, including support for multiple servers, integrated FTP server, split screen mode, and secure file transfers, PowerFTP provides a powerful and user-friendly solution for both casual users and IT professionals. Whether you need to upload and download files, synchronize folders, or manage server permissions, PowerFTP offers the tools necessary to streamline your workflow and enhance productivity.

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