Download SSSnaker for PC (Windows 11/10/8 & Mac)

This article will teach you how to download and install SSSnaker for PC (Windows and Mac). To start, you should follow the simple directions we provide. You must read this article carefully and pay attention, so you can properly install the app on your computer without any problems.

Now, let’s begin learning the steps to get this app working on your computer.

SSSnaker app for PC

SSSnaker is a new game that combines snake slithering with roguelike elements. In this game, you control a snake that grows longer and stronger as you explore the dangerous dungeon depths. You can use different skills and area attacks to defeat various monsters and bosses.

sssnaker for pc

If you are looking for a fun and challenging game that tests your reflexes and strategy, you might want to give SSSnaker a try.

App Name SSSnaker
Developer Habby
Release Date Mar 25, 2020
File Size 467 MB
Version Compatibility Android 4.4 and up
Category Games

SSSnaker Features

  • Smooth and responsive snake movement with swipe controls.
  • Unique area attacks that can damage multiple enemies at once.
  • Roguelite skills can be unlocked and upgraded as you progress.
  • Snakehead collision feature that allows you to bounce off walls and enemies.
  • Various monsters and game features add variety and challenge.
  • Leaderboards and achievements to compete with other players.

How to Download SSSnaker for your PC (Windows 11/10/8/7 & Mac)

To use SSSnaker on your Windows or Mac computer, you’ll need to follow these steps. Firstly, you’ll need to download software called an Android emulator. This enables you to run Android apps on your computer. Once you have the emulator installed, you can proceed to download the SSSnaker using one of the two methods outlined below for your Windows 11/10/8/7 or Mac computer.

Method #1: Download SSSnaker on PC using Bluestacks

Step 1: Go to the official Bluestacks website by visiting Once there, click on the download button to get the latest version of the Bluestacks emulator.

Step 2: After the download is complete, find and run the setup file. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to complete the installation process.

Step 3: Once installation is complete, launch the Bluestacks emulator and wait for the home screen to load completely.

Step 4: On the home screen, locate the Google Play Store app and click on it. If you’re using it for the first time, you’ll be asked to log in using your Gmail account.

Step 5: Inside the Google Play Store, search for the SSSnaker app by entering its name into the search bar.

Step 6: Click on the “Install” button to begin downloading the SSSnaker app. After the download is finished, the app will appear on the Bluestacks home screen. You can now use it on your computer by simply clicking on its icon.

Method #2: Download SSSnaker on PC Using MEmu Play

Step 1: First, download the MEmu Play emulator from its official website at and install it on your computer.

Step 2: Once the installation is complete, launch the MEmu Play emulator on your computer.

Step 3: Locate the Google Play Store within MEmu Play and open it. If you haven’t logged in already, enter your Gmail account credentials to access the store.

Step 4: Inside the Google Play Store, use the search bar to find the SSSnaker app.

Step 5: Click on the “Install” button to start downloading the SSSnaker app. After the download is complete, a shortcut for the app will be created on the MEmu Play home screen. To launch the app and start using SSSnaker on your PC, click on its icon.

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How do I use area attacks in SSSnaker?

Area attacks are activated by tapping on the screen when your snake is long enough. They can damage multiple enemies within a certain range. Different skills have different area attacks, such as fireballs, lightning bolts, or ice shards.

How do I unlock new skills?

Skills are unlocked by collecting skill points that are dropped by enemies or chests. Every time you collect enough skill points, you have the option to select one out of three random skills. You can also upgrade your skills by spending coins.

How do I get coins?

Coins are earned by playing the game, watching ads, or completing achievements. You can use coins to upgrade your skills, buy new skins, or revive your snake.

I there a way to revive the snake?

When your snake dies, you have the option to watch an ad or spend coins to revive it. You can only revive once per run.

Can you bounce off walls and enemies?

When your snake collides with a wall or an enemy, it will bounce off in the opposite direction. This feature can come in handy to evade traps or ambush enemies from behind.

How do I avoid traps?

Traps are obstacles that can harm your snakes, such as spikes, lasers, or bombs. You can avoid them by swiping to change your direction or using area attacks to destroy them.

How to defeat the boss in SSSnaker?

Bosses are powerful enemies that appear at the end of each level. The boss possesses higher health and inflicts stronger attacks than the average enemy. You can defeat them by using area attacks, bouncing off walls or enemies, or hitting their weak spots.

Can I play with other players and compete with them?

You can compete with other players by checking the leaderboards and achievements. The leaderboards show your rank based on your score, which is determined by your snake’s length, skills, coins, and enemies killed. The achievements show your progress on various challenges, such as killing a certain number of enemies or using a certain skill.


SSSnaker is a game that offers a lot of fun and challenge for snake lovers. It has smooth gameplay, unique features, and varied content. If you are looking for a new game to try out, you might want to download SSSnaker and see how far you can go in the dungeon depths.

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