Download Avast Secure Browser for PC (Windows 11/10/8 & Mac)

This article is here to serve as your ultimate, easy-to-follow manual, ensuring a hassle-free download and installation process of Avast Secure Browser on your PC (Windows and Mac). Just by following the simple instructions, you’ll be able to smoothly bring this app onto your computer. Once it’s installed, you can start exploring and enjoying all the features and functions it has to offer.

Without wasting another moment, let’s kickstart the procedure and set the wheels in motion to bring this marvelous application to your computer.

Avast Secure Browser app for PC

Avast Secure Browser is a powerful and secure web browser designed to protect your privacy and provide a seamless browsing experience. Developed by Avast, a trusted name in cybersecurity, this browser offers a wide range of features to enhance your online security and keep your personal information safe. Whether you’re concerned about online trackers, or phishing attempts, or simply want a faster and more private browsing experience, Avast Secure Browser has got you covered.
avast secure browser for pc

App Name Avast Secure Browser
Developer Avast Software
Release Date Mar 23, 2020
File Size 138 MB
Version Compatibility Android 8.0 and up
Category Communication

Features of Avast Secure Browser

Enhanced Privacy Protection

Avast Secure Browser restricts trackers and keeps websites from gathering your data. It also includes a built-in VPN (Virtual Private Network) that makes your connection private, making sure that your browsing activity remains private.

Ad Blocker

Bid farewell to annoying pop-ups with Avast Secure Browser’s built-in advertisement blocker. It enhances your browsing speed and eliminates distractions, giving you a smoother and more enjoyable online experience.

Anti-Phishing Technology

Avast Secure Browser helps protect you by notifying you about suspicious websites. It scans websites in real time, alerting you to potential threats and ensuring that your sensitive information stays safe.

Password Manager

With Avast Secure Browser’s password manager, you can securely store your login credentials and generate strong, unique passwords. This feature removes the need to memorize lots of passwords and helps protect your accounts from unauthorized access.

Bank Mode

Avast Secure Browser’s Bank Mode creates a secure desktop session that isolates your online banking activities from the rest of your browsing. This functionality protects your transactions from potential threats such as keyloggers or screen capture attempts.

How to Download Avast Secure Browser for your PC (Windows 11/10/8/7 & Mac)

Using Avast Secure Browser on your Windows or Mac computer is a piece of cake! Just follow these easy steps. First, make sure you have an Android emulator installed. This handy software lets you run Android apps on your computer. Once you’ve got the emulator up and running, it’s time to choose your preferred method for downloading Avast Secure Browser onto your Windows or Mac system. Select one of the two simple options provided below, and you’ll be all set to go.

Method #1: Download Avast Secure Browser PC using Bluestacks

Step 1: To get started, visit the official Bluestacks website at Once there, take your time to locate and download the latest version of the Bluestacks emulator software. It’s essential as this software will enable you to seamlessly run Android apps on your computer, including Avast Secure Browser.

Step 2: Once the download is complete, proceed with the installation of Bluestacks on your PC. Simply run the setup file and carefully follow the step-by-step instructions provided. Don’t rush through this process as accuracy is key to ensure a smooth installation.

Step 3: After the installation process, it’s time to launch Bluestacks. Allow a few moments for it to load fully, as it prepares to create a virtual Android environment on your computer, making it ready to run Avast Secure Browser flawlessly.

Step 4: On the Bluestacks home screen, you’ll discover a plethora of applications at your fingertips. Among them, locate the highly useful Google Play Store. Find the Play Store icon and click to open it. If this is your first time accessing the Play Store within Bluestacks, you will be prompted to sign in using your Gmail account details.

Step 5: Inside the Play Store’s welcoming interface, you’ll find a handy search bar. Type “Avast Secure Browser” into the search bar and press enter to initiate the search for Avast Secure Browser within the Play Store’s vast database. Take a moment to review the search results, ensuring you select the official Avast Secure Browser app.

Step 6: Upon finding Avast Secure Browser, your next move is to locate and click on the prominent “Install” button. This action triggers the download process, bringing Roku directly into your Bluestacks virtual environment.

Step 7: Once the installation is finished, you’ll discover the Avast Secure Browser icon conveniently placed on the Bluestacks home screen. It’s a recognizable icon, showcasing the Avast Secure Browser logo. With a simple click on this iconic representation, you can instantly launch and use the Avast Secure Browser on your PC.

Method #2: Download Avast Secure Browser on PC using MEmu Play

Step 1: Begin by visiting the official MEmu Play website at Once there, navigate to the download section where you can easily access the latest version of the MEmu Play emulator software, designed specifically for seamless Android app integration on your PC. This powerful software acts as a virtual environment, bridging the gap between your computer and Avast Secure Browser.

Step 2: Once the download is complete, start the installation process by carefully following the provided instructions. Pay attention to each step, ensuring the proper setup and configuration of MEmu Play on your computer.

Step 3: After a successful installation, launch MEmu Play on your computer. Allow a brief moment for the emulator to initialize and load completely. This ensures that all essential components are fully operational, guaranteeing a smooth and optimized experience with Avast Secure Browser.

Step 4: As the MEmu Play interface comes into view, you’ll notice the familiar Google Play Store icon. Click on it to access the extensive library of Android apps. If you haven’t already signed in to your Gmail account, you’ll be prompted to do so at this stage. Simply provide your Gmail credentials to sign in and gain access to the apps within the Play Store.

Step 5: Within the Play Store’s intuitive interface, locate the search bar conveniently placed at the top. Type “Avast Secure Browser” into the search bar and hit enter or click the search icon to initiate the search. The Play Store will diligently scour its database, presenting you with relevant results related to Avast Secure Browser.

Step 6: Once Avast Secure Browser appears in the search results, click on its listing to access the app’s details page. Here, you’ll find comprehensive information about Avast Secure Browser’s features, user reviews, and screenshots. You can review these details to ensure it aligns with your needs and expectations.

Step 7: Click on the “Install” button to commence the download process. Depending on your internet speed, the download may take a few moments to complete. During this time, the Play Store will manage the download and installation seamlessly in the background, ensuring a hassle-free experience for you.

Step 8: Once the download and installation are finished, the Avast Secure Browser icon will be displayed on the MEmu Play home screen. Simply click on the Avast Secure Browser icon, and you’ll be able to use it on your PC.

Similar Apps

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Does Avast Secure Browser work on mobile devices?

Yes, Avast Secure Browser is downloadable on Android and iOS devices. You can install it using the respective stores.

Is Avast Secure Browser free to use?

Yes, it is completely free. However, certain advanced features may require a subscription.

Can I use Avast Secure Browser with the one I already use?

Yes, you can use Avast Secure Browser as your primary browser or alongside your existing browser.

Does Avast Secure Browser offer sync functionality?

Yes, you can sync your data using this app.

Can I download data from a browser?

The Avast Secure Browser provides an easy import feature to bring your bookmarks, settings, and passwords from other browsers.

How secure is the built-in VPN?

The built-in VPN in Avast Secure Browser encrypts your internet connection, adding an extra layer of security. However, for advanced VPN functionality, you may consider a standalone VPN service.

Can Avast Secure Browser handle Chrome extensions?

Yes, Avast Secure Browser can handle Chrome extensions. the Chrome Web Store.

Can I edit how Avast Secure Browser looks?

This app offers customization options for appearance and various settings to tailor your browsing experience.


Avast Secure Browser is a great application for those who wish for a secure and privacy-focused experience. With its robust privacy features, ad blocker, anti-phishing technology, and built-in VPN, it provides comprehensive protection against online threats. Additionally, its password manager and Bank Mode add extra layers of security for sensitive activities such as online banking.

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