Download Microsoft Power BI for PC (Windows 11/10/8 & Mac)

Join us on an exciting journey as we walk you through the simple steps to download and install Microsoft Power BI on your PC, whether you’re using Windows or Mac. You’re just moments away from having Microsoft Power BI up and running effortlessly on your computer. Once the installation is complete, a world of incredible features and functions awaits your exploration.

Don’t wait any longer – let’s dive in and bring this amazing app to your computer!

Microsoft Power BI app for PC

Microsoft Power BI is a powerful tool that empowers individuals and organizations to harness the full potential of their data. With the advent of the Microsoft Power BI app for Android phones, this data-driven experience becomes portable, allowing you to monitor and access your business data anywhere, anytime. In this article, we will explore the features of the Microsoft Power BI app, highlight five similar apps that offer data analytics capabilities, address eight frequently asked questions, and provide a conclusion that encapsulates the value of this innovative application.

microsoft power bi for pc

App Name Microsoft Power BI
Developer Microsoft Corporation
Release Date Jul 10, 2015
File Size 90 MB
Version Compatibility Android 8.0 and up
Category Business

Microsoft Power BI Features

Mobile Accessibility

With the Power BI app, you can easily view and interact with your Power BI dashboards on your Android phone, ensuring that you are always connected to your data.

Touch-Optimized Experience

The app provides a touch-optimized interface that allows you to explore your data interactively without the need for a BI expert. It simplifies the process of finding insights within your data.

Rich Dashboards

Power BI offers rich, visually appealing dashboards that provide a 360° view of your business. These dashboards are designed to offer a comprehensive and insightful data overview.

State-of-the-Art Visualizations

The app includes a wide range of visualizations, charts, maps, and graphs, ensuring that your data is presented in the most engaging and informative manner.

Fluid Experience and High Performance

Power BI for Android delivers a fluid user experience with high performance, ensuring that data exploration and analysis are smooth and efficient.

Collaboration Capabilities

You can invite your colleagues to view your dashboards and collaborate on data directly from the app. Sharing insights and working together has never been easier.

Snapshot and Annotations

Take snapshots of your data and add annotations to highlight key insights. This feature simplifies data storytelling and communication.


Share your insights with colleagues via email and various social apps, ensuring that the right people have access to critical data-driven information.

How to Download Microsoft Power BI for your PC (Windows 11/10/8/7 & Mac)

Downloading Microsoft Power BI on your Windows or Mac computer is a breeze! Follow these straightforward steps to get started. First, make sure you have an Android emulator, a nifty tool that allows you to run Android apps on your PC. Once your emulator is all set, you’ve got two simple options to download Microsoft Power BI. It’s truly that straightforward. Ready to start?

Method #1: Download Microsoft Power BI PC using Bluestacks

Step 1: Start by visiting Here, you can find and download their special software. The Bluestacks app is like a magical doorway that brings Android apps to your computer. And yes, this includes Microsoft Power BI!

Step 2: After you’ve downloaded Bluestacks, install it by following the instructions, just like building something step by step.

Step 3: Once Bluestacks is up and running, open it. This step makes your computer ready to run the Microsoft Power BI app.

Step 4: Inside Bluestacks, you’ll see the Google Play Store. It’s like a digital shop filled with apps. Click on it and log in with your Gmail account.

Step 5: Inside the Play Store, search for “Microsoft Power BI” using the search bar. When you find the right app, click on it.

Step 6: Ready to bring Microsoft Power BI into your computer? Hit the “Install” button.

Step 7: Once the installation is complete, you’ll find the Microsoft Power BI icon on the Bluestacks main screen. Give it a click, and there you go – you’re all set to enjoy Microsoft Power BI on your computer. It’s like having a mini Android device right there!

Method #2: Download Microsoft Power BI on PC using MEmu Play

Step 1: Go to, the MEmu Play website. Download the MEmu Play app, which helps you enjoy Android apps on your PC.

Step 2: Follow the instructions to install MEmu Play. Think of it like setting up a new program on your computer.

Step 3: Open MEmu Play on your PC. Let it finish loading so your Microsoft Power BI experience is super smooth.

Step 4: Inside MEmu Play, find the Google Play Store by clicking its icon. Sign in with your Gmail account.

Step 5: Look for “Microsoft Power BI” using the Play Store’s search bar. Once you find the official app, click on it.

Step 6: Hit “Install” to bring the Microsoft Power BI to your PC. The Play Store takes care of all the downloading and installing.

Step 7: Once it’s done, you’ll spot the Microsoft Power BI icon right on the MEmu Play home screen. Give it a click, and there you have it – Microsoft Power BI on your PC, ready to enjoy!

Alternative Apps

While Microsoft Power BI is a fantastic tool, there are alternative apps with similar capabilities. Here are five such apps along with brief descriptions:


Tableau is a renowned data visualization tool that offers powerful analytics and interactive dashboards, making data exploration a breeze.


QlikView is known for its associative data model, which allows users to explore data from multiple angles, offering valuable insights.

Google Data Studio

Google Data Studio provides a free platform for creating customized, interactive reports and dashboards using data from various sources, including Google Analytics and Google Sheets.


Domo is a cloud-based business intelligence platform that allows organizations to connect to various data sources and create interactive dashboards for informed decision-making.


Looker is a data exploration and analytics platform that enables users to access, analyze, and share data within their organization, fostering a data-driven culture.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Microsoft Power BI, along with concise answers:

Is Microsoft Power BI available for Android phones?

Yes, you can download and use the Microsoft Power BI app on your Android phone.

Can I access my Power BI dashboards on the go?

Absolutely, the app allows you to monitor and interact with your Power BI dashboards from anywhere.

Is the Power BI app user-friendly for non-technical users?

Yes, the touch-optimized experience makes data exploration accessible to users without a background in business intelligence.

How can I collaborate with colleagues using Power BI?

You can invite colleagues to view dashboards and share insights with them directly through the app.

Can I annotate data to explain important insights?

Yes, you can take snapshots and add annotations to highlight crucial data points.

What can Power BI visualize?

Power BI offers a variety of visualizations, including charts, maps, graphs, and more.

Is data sharing secure within the app?

Microsoft ensures data security and privacy measures, making sharing within the app safe and reliable.

Is the Power BI app compatible with social apps for sharing?

Yes, you can easily share insights with colleagues through email and various social apps.


Microsoft Power BI for Android empowers users to access and analyze their data with ease, offering a host of features that make it a robust choice for data-driven decision-making. In today’s data-driven world, having access to your business insights on your Android phone is a game-changer. Moreover, the app’s collaboration and sharing capabilities ensure that valuable insights are accessible to the right people. While there are alternatives, the combination of Power BI’s features and Microsoft’s reputation for quality make it a compelling choice for anyone seeking to unlock the full potential of their data. So, download the app and embark on your data-driven journey today.

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