Download Pocket Chibi for PC (Windows 11/10/8 & Mac)

This article will teach you how to download and install Pocket Chibi for PC (Windows and Mac). To start, you should follow the simple directions we provide. You must read this article carefully and pay attention, so you can properly install the app on your computer without any problems.

Now, let’s begin learning the steps to get this app working on your computer.

Pocket Chibi app for PC

Is the best Chibi Maker application with the most advanced features for the users to create their own anime-styled chibi avatars. With Pocket Chibi, users can choose from hundreds of different pieces of clothes, haircuts, hats, and other accessories to transform lovely anime characters into their unique creations.

pocket chibi for pc

Users can chat with other players in the Pocket Chibi application using their own chibi avatars.

App Name Pocket Chibi
Developer Lunime
Release Date Nov 25, 2017
File Size 48 MB
Version Compatibility Android 4.0 and up
Category Social

Pocket Chibi Features

Studio Mode

This feature allows users to customize their avatars. Users can choose from thousands of dresses and facial characteristics that are in the app. Some styles can only be unlocked by purchasing them with Gems.

Community Chat

With this feature, users can join the chat server and show off their cute chibi avatar. Users can chat and make friends with other players through this feature.


As the users progress in the game, they will also earn Gems. They can exchange these Gems to unlock more costumes for their Chibi avatars to make them a loot cooler or cuter than before.

Free to Play

Pocket Chibi doesn’t impose any kind of restrictions on all non-paying users that want to play the game. Although users can also buy gems in the shop, users also have the option to just earn gems as they progress in the game.

Offline Mode

Users can enjoy the app anytime and anywhere they have with or without an active connection. The app can access almost all of the app’s features even in offline mode except for chat.

How to Download Pocket Chibi for your PC (Windows 11/10/8/7 & Mac)

To use Pocket Chibi on your Windows or Mac computer, you’ll need to follow these steps. Firstly, you’ll need to download software called an Android emulator. This enables you to run Android apps on your computer. Once you have the emulator installed, you can proceed to download the Pocket Chibi using one of the two methods outlined below for your Windows 11/10/8/7 or Mac computer.

Method #1: Download Pocket Chibi on PC using Bluestacks

Step 1: Go to the official Bluestacks website by visiting Once there, click on the download button to get the latest version of the Bluestacks emulator.

Step 2: After the download is complete, find and run the setup file. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to complete the installation process.

Step 3: Once installation is complete, launch the Bluestacks emulator and wait for the home screen to load completely.

Step 4: On the home screen, locate the Google Play Store app and click on it. If you’re using it for the first time, you’ll be asked to log in using your Gmail account.

Step 5: Inside the Google Play Store, search for the Pocket Chibi app by entering its name into the search bar.

Step 6: Click on the “Install” button to begin downloading the Pocket Chibi app. After the download is finished, the app will appear on the Bluestacks home screen. You can now use it on your computer by simply clicking on its icon.

Method #2: Download Pocket Chibi on PC Using MEmu Play

Step 1: First, download the MEmu Play emulator from its official website at and install it on your computer.

Step 2: Once the installation is complete, launch the MEmu Play emulator on your computer.

Step 3: Locate the Google Play Store within MEmu Play and open it. If you haven’t logged in already, enter your Gmail account credentials to access the store.

Step 4: Inside the Google Play Store, use the search bar to find the Pocket Chibi app.

Step 5: Click on the “Install” button to start downloading the Pocket Chibi app. After the download is complete, a shortcut for the app will be created on the MEmu Play home screen. To launch the app and start using Pocket Chibi on your PC, click on its icon.

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What is Pocket Chibi?

Pocket Chibi is an anime-style chibi maker app where users can create their own chibi characters and customize them with various clothes, hairstyles, weapons, and accessories.

Who made Pocket Chibi?

The popular dress-up chibi application was developed by a video game studio named Lunime.

Can I customize my chibi character in this game?

Yes, users can customize their chibi characters by changing their hairstyles, eyes, mouths, and other features.

What can I do in Studio Mode in Pocket Chibi?

In Studio Mode, users can create their own scenes by choosing different poses, and backgrounds, and adding custom text for their characters.

Is Pocket Chibi free?

Pocket Chibi is a free application program that is available for all Android and iOS users.

Can I download Pocket Chibi on PC?

Users can play Pocket Chibi on their PCs by downloading an Android emulator; Nox Player, Bluestacks Player, or MEmu.

What does chibi mean?

Chibi is an art style that originated in Japan. It is pretty common to see this kind of art style in Anime featuring large heads, eyes, and a small body frame.


Not only are the chibi avatars cute, but the app’s interface is also very simple and cute too. The game is simple and light. Users will be able to play anytime and anywhere they want with the offline mode feature. Pocket Chibi brings out its user’s creativity. There are a lot of cute and cool items to choose from. Overall, the app is pretty great and has a lot of room to grow.

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