Download Alpha V2Ray for PC (Windows 11/10/8 & Mac)

This article will teach you how to download and install Alpha V2Ray for PC (Windows and Mac). To start, you should follow the simple directions we provide. You must read this article carefully and pay attention, so you can properly install the app on your computer without any problems.

Now, let’s begin learning the steps to get this app working on your computer.

Alpha V2Ray app for PC

Alpha V2Ray is a powerful VPN application that offers a range of features to help you access blocked websites and apps, bypass censorship, and protect your online privacy. Based on the open-source V2Ray project, this app utilizes advanced encryption techniques and protocols to create a highly secure and flexible network.

By utilizing Alpha V2Ray, you can easily unblock internet content. The app provides a fast and reliable connection, enabling you to stream videos, play online games, and download files without any interruptions.

alpha v2ray for pc

Moreover, Alpha V2Ray secures your online traffic by encrypting it, which guarantees the confidentiality of your personal information and browsing history. It also protects your device from hackers, malware, and other cyber threats.

App Name Alpha V2ray
Developer Single Developer </>
Release Date Nov 28, 2022
File Size 22 MB
Version Compatibility Android 5.0 and up
Category Tools

Alpha V2Ray Features

  • Alpha V2Ray offers a wide range of protocols, including VMess, VLESS, Shadowsocks, Trojan, and Socks, giving you the ability to select the one that best meets your specific needs and preferences.
  • In addition, Alpha V2Ray supports XTLS, a cutting-edge encryption method that enhances the performance and security of V2Ray. This technology can help reduce latency and increase throughput, resulting in a faster and more stable VPN connection.
  • Alpha V2Ray features a user-friendly interface that makes configuring and managing your VPN settings simple and straightforward. You can add servers by scanning QR codes or importing JSON files, or you can use the built-in server list to connect to a server with just one click.
  • The routing feature in Alpha V2Ray enables you to personalize how your traffic is routed through the VPN. You can set rules to bypass or proxy specific domains, IPs, or apps, or use the global mode to proxy all traffic.
  • Alpha V2Ray also includes a statistics feature that displays real-time data usage and the speed of your VPN connection. Additionally, you can view the logs and errors of your connection for troubleshooting purposes.

How to Download Alpha V2Ray for your PC (Windows 11/10/8/7 & Mac)

To use Alpha V2Ray on your Windows or Mac computer, you’ll need to follow these steps. Firstly, you’ll need to download software called an Android emulator. This enables you to run Android apps on your computer. Once you have the emulator installed, you can proceed to download the Alpha V2Ray using one of the two methods outlined below for your Windows 11/10/8/7 or Mac computer.

Method #1: Download Alpha V2Ray on PC using Bluestacks

Step 1: Go to the official Bluestacks website by visiting Once there, click on the download button to get the latest version of the Bluestacks emulator.

Step 2: After the download is complete, find and run the setup file. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to complete the installation process.

Step 3: Once installation is complete, launch the Bluestacks emulator and wait for the home screen to load completely.

Step 4: On the home screen, locate the Google Play Store app and click on it. If you’re using it for the first time, you’ll be asked to log in using your Gmail account.

Step 5: Inside the Google Play Store, search for the Alpha V2Ray app by entering its name into the search bar.

Step 6: Click on the “Install” button to begin downloading the Alpha V2Ray app. After the download is finished, the app will appear on the Bluestacks home screen. You can now use it on your computer by simply clicking on its icon.

Method #2: Download Alpha V2Ray on PC Using MEmu Play

Step 1: First, download the MEmu Play emulator from its official website at and install it on your computer.

Step 2: Once the installation is complete, launch the MEmu Play emulator on your computer.

Step 3: Locate the Google Play Store within MEmu Play and open it. If you haven’t logged in already, enter your Gmail account credentials to access the store.

Step 4: Inside the Google Play Store, use the search bar to find the Alpha V2Ray app.

Step 5: Click on the “Install” button to start downloading the Alpha V2Ray app. After the download is complete, a shortcut for the app will be created on the MEmu Play home screen. To launch the app and start using Alpha V2Ray on your PC, click on its icon.

Similar Apps


This is another VPN app based on V2Ray that supports multiple protocols and XTLS. It has a similar interface and functionality as Alpha V2Ray, but it also has some additional features, such as DNS settings, IPv6 support, and custom proxy rules.


It also uses V2Ray as its core engine, but it also supports other protocols such as ShadowsocksR and Trojan-Go. The Kitsunebi app also has a sleek design and a powerful routing feature that allows you to create complex rules based on domain keywords, IP ranges, geoip, etc.

Clash for Android

A VPN app that uses Clash as its core engine. Clash is a multi-platform proxy software that supports Shadowsocks, V2Ray, Trojan, Snell, and other protocols. It has a rich routing feature that supports rule-based or script-based configuration.


This app supports Shadowsocks protocol only. It is one of the most popular and reliable VPN apps in the market. It has a simple and elegant interface that lets you choose from various servers around the world. It also has a QR code scanning feature and a battery saver mode. However, it does not support the V2Ray protocol or other advanced settings.


It supports multiple protocols, such as OpenVPN, WireGuard, IKEv2/IPsec, Shadowsocks, and more. It has a modern and colorful interface that lets you access over 3200 servers in 65 countries. It also has some unique features, such as CleanWeb (ad blocker), Whitelister (split tunneling), MultiHop (double VPN), Kill Switch (network protection), and more. However, it does not support V2Ray protocol or custom configuration files.


What is XTLS and why is it better than TLS?

XTLS is a protocol that extends TLS (Transport Layer Security), the standard protocol for securing web communications. XTLS adds some features to TLS, such as multiplexing, direct mode, and splice mode, to improve its security and performance. XTLS can reduce the latency and overhead of TLS connections while maintaining compatibility with existing TLS implementations.

How can I use Alpha V2Ray to get free internet?

It can help you to get free internet by using its VPN system based on V2Ray and XTLS. You can choose from various servers and protocols to find the best configuration for your network environment. You can also import or scan QR codes to add custom servers. Alpha V2Ray will encrypt and tunnel your traffic through the selected server, allowing you to access any website or app without being blocked by firewalls.

Can I trust Alpha V2Ray to protect my privacy?

Alpha V2Ray is a trustworthy app that respects your privacy and does not collect or leak any of your personal information. It only requires minimal permissions to run on your device, such as network access and camera access (for scanning QR codes). It does not require root access or any other special privileges. It also does not show any ads or pop-ups that may compromise your security or annoy you.

How can I optimize Alpha V2Ray for better speed and stability?

This app provides some options to help you optimize its performance and stability. You can enable or disable UDP forwarding, TCP fast open, IPv6 support, domain fronting, and other features according to your needs. You can also adjust the buffer size, MTU size, concurrency number, read/write timeout, and other parameters to fine-tune the connection settings. You can also switch between different servers and protocols to find the best combination for your network condition.

How can I update Alpha V2Ray to get the latest features and bug fixes?

It is an active app that constantly updates its features and bug fixes. You can check for updates from within the app or from the Google Play Store. You can also follow the developer’s social media accounts or join the Telegram group to get the latest news and feedback about the app. You can also report any issues or suggestions to the developer via email or GitHub.


Alpha V2Ray is a VPN app that uses V2Ray and XTLS to provide you with a fast, secure, and reliable way to access the internet without restrictions. It has many features and options to suit your needs and preferences. It is also easy to use and update. I highly recommend that you try Alpha V2Ray.

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