Download Craft Robo Clever Rainbow for PC (Windows 11/10/8 & Mac)

This article is here to serve as your ultimate, easy-to-follow manual, ensuring a hassle-free download and installation process of Craft Robo Clever Rainbow on your PC (Windows and Mac). Just by following the simple instructions, you’ll be able to smoothly bring this app onto your computer. Once it’s installed, you can start exploring and enjoying all the features and functions it has to offer.

Without wasting another moment, let’s kickstart the procedure and set the wheels in motion to bring this marvelous application to your computer.

Craft Robo Clever Rainbow app for PC

Craft Robo Clever Rainbow is an exciting crafting app that unleashes your creativity and allows you to create vibrant and colorful artwork on your mobile device. With its user-friendly interface and a wide range of features, this app offers a unique crafting experience for users of all ages. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Craft Robo Clever Rainbow and explore its features, similar apps, and frequently asked questions.

craft robo clever rainbow for pc

App Name Craft Robo Clever Rainbow
Developer Block Box Global
Release Date Feb 9, 2022
File Size 39 MB
Version Compatibility Android 6.0 and up
Category Simulation


Colorful Rainbow Palette

Craft Robo Clever Rainbow provides a vast selection of colors from the entire spectrum of the rainbow. Pick from a wide array of shades to create stunning and vivid artwork.

Easy-to-Use Tools

The app offers a variety of tools such as brushes, pens, pencils, and erasers, making it easy for users to express their creativity with precision. Whether you want to draw, paint, or sketch Craft Robo Clever Rainbow has the perfect tool for your artistic needs.

Layer Support

Create complex and detailed artwork by using layers. Craft Robo Clever Rainbow allows you to work on multiple layers, enabling you to add depth and make intricate adjustments to your designs.

Artistic Effects

Enhance your creations with a range of artistic effects, including watercolor, oil painting, sketching, and more. Try out different combinations to bring your imagination to life.

Social Sharing

Showcase your project with close people and the Craft Robo Clever Rainbow community. Show off your creative masterpieces and get inspired by the work of other talented artists from around the world.

How to Download Craft Robo Clever Rainbow for your PC (Windows 11/10/8/7 & Mac)

Using Craft Robo Clever Rainbow on your Windows or Mac computer is a piece of cake! Just follow these easy steps. First, make sure you have an Android emulator installed. This handy software lets you run Android apps on your computer. Once you’ve got the emulator up and running, it’s time to choose your preferred method for downloading Craft Robo Clever Rainbow onto your Windows or Mac system. Select one of the two simple options provided below, and you’ll be all set to go.

Method #1: Download Craft Robo Clever Rainbow PC using Bluestacks

Step 1: To get started, visit the official Bluestacks website at Once there, take your time to locate and download the latest version of the Bluestacks emulator software. It’s essential as this software will enable you to seamlessly run Android apps on your computer, including Craft Robo Clever Rainbow.

Step 2: Once the download is complete, proceed with the installation of Bluestacks on your PC. Simply run the setup file and carefully follow the step-by-step instructions provided. Don’t rush through this process as accuracy is key to ensure a smooth installation.

Step 3: After the installation process, it’s time to launch Bluestacks. Allow a few moments for it to load fully, as it prepares to create a virtual Android environment on your computer, making it ready to run Craft Robo Clever Rainbow flawlessly.

Step 4: On the Bluestacks home screen, you’ll discover a plethora of applications at your fingertips. Among them, locate the highly useful Google Play Store. Find the Play Store icon and click to open it. If this is your first time accessing the Play Store within Bluestacks, you will be prompted to sign in using your Gmail account details.

Step 5: Inside the Play Store’s welcoming interface, you’ll find a handy search bar. Type “Craft Robo Clever Rainbow” into the search bar and press enter to initiate the search for Craft Robo Clever Rainbow within the Play Store’s vast database. Take a moment to review the search results, ensuring you select the official Craft Robo Clever Rainbow app.

Step 6: Upon finding Craft Robo Clever Rainbow, your next move is to locate and click on the prominent “Install” button. This action triggers the download process, bringing Roku directly into your Bluestacks virtual environment.

Step 7: Once the installation is finished, you’ll discover the Craft Robo Clever Rainbow icon conveniently placed on the Bluestacks home screen. It’s a recognizable icon, showcasing the Craft Robo Clever Rainbow logo. With a simple click on this iconic representation, you can instantly launch and use the Craft Robo Clever Rainbow on your PC.

Method #2: Download Craft Robo Clever Rainbow on PC using MEmu Play

Step 1: Begin by visiting the official MEmu Play website at Once there, navigate to the download section where you can easily access the latest version of the MEmu Play emulator software, designed specifically for seamless Android app integration on your PC. This powerful software acts as a virtual environment, bridging the gap between your computer and Craft Robo Clever Rainbow.

Step 2: Once the download is complete, start the installation process by carefully following the provided instructions. Pay attention to each step, ensuring the proper setup and configuration of MEmu Play on your computer.

Step 3: After a successful installation, launch MEmu Play on your computer. Allow a brief moment for the emulator to initialize and load completely. This ensures that all essential components are fully operational, guaranteeing a smooth and optimized experience with Craft Robo Clever Rainbow.

Step 4: As the MEmu Play interface comes into view, you’ll notice the familiar Google Play Store icon. Click on it to access the extensive library of Android apps. If you haven’t already signed in to your Gmail account, you’ll be prompted to do so at this stage. Simply provide your Gmail credentials to sign in and gain access to the apps within the Play Store.

Step 5: Within the Play Store’s intuitive interface, locate the search bar conveniently placed at the top. Type “Craft Robo Clever Rainbow” into the search bar and hit enter or click the search icon to initiate the search. The Play Store will diligently scour its database, presenting you with relevant results related to Craft Robo Clever Rainbow.

Step 6: Once Craft Robo Clever Rainbow appears in the search results, click on its listing to access the app’s details page. Here, you’ll find comprehensive information about Craft Robo Clever Rainbow’s features, user reviews, and screenshots. You can review these details to ensure it aligns with your needs and expectations.

Step 7: Click on the “Install” button to commence the download process. Depending on your internet speed, the download may take a few moments to complete. During this time, the Play Store will manage the download and installation seamlessly in the background, ensuring a hassle-free experience for you.

Step 8: Once the download and installation are finished, the Craft Robo Clever Rainbow icon will be displayed on the MEmu Play home screen. Simply click on the Craft Robo Clever Rainbow icon, and you’ll be able to use it on your PC.

Similar Apps

Colorful Art Studio

This app offers a unique approach to digital art, allowing users to create mesmerizing patterns and designs using colorful brush strokes.

Pixel Paint

Dive into the world of pixel art with this app. Create retro-inspired masterpieces by placing individual pixels to form intricate designs and characters.

Crafty Kids

Designed specifically for children, Crafty Kids offers a wide range of crafting activities, including drawing, coloring, and creating 3D objects with virtual building blocks.

Artistic Doodle

Unleash your inner doodler with this app, which provides a canvas for freehand drawing and sketching. Let your creativity run free and create breathtaking artwork.

Color by Number

Relax and unwind with Color by Number, an app that offers a wide variety of coloring pages with numbered sections. Fill in the colors according to the numbers and slowly breathe life into the art.


Can I use Craft Robo Clever Rainbow offline?

Yes, Craft Robo Clever Rainbow can be used offline, allowing you to enjoy crafting even without an internet connection.

Can I import images into the application?

Unfortunately, Craft Robo Clever Rainbow does not support image importing at this time. You can create original artwork using the app’s tools and features.

Is the application suitable for children?

Craft Robo Clever Rainbow is suitable for users of all ages, including children. But, guidance is advised for young users to give them the best and safest experience.

Can I export my artwork from Craft Robo Clever Rainbow?

Yes, Craft Robo Clever Rainbow lets you share your work using a number of file formats.

Are there in-app purchases in the app?

Craft Robo Clever Rainbow offers in-app purchases for additional features and content. However, the app provides a rich experience even without making any purchases.

Can I collaborate with other artists using Craft Robo Clever Rainbow?

Right now, Craft Robo Clever Rainbow does not offer collaboration features. However, you can share your artwork with other artists through social media or other platforms.

Does Craft Robo Clever Rainbow offer tutorials or guides?

Craft Robo Clever Rainbow provides a built-in help section that offers tips and guidance on using the app’s features. Additionally, you can find tutorials and inspiration from the Craft Robo Clever Rainbow community.

Is the application available on iOS devices?

Craft Robo Clever Rainbow is currently only available on Android devices. On the other hand, you can find alternatives on the app store.


Craft Robo Clever Rainbow opens up a world of possibilities for digital crafting and artistic expression. With its wide array of functionalities, vibrant colors, and creative effects, this app allows users to create magnificent projects through their gadgets. No matter your skill level, Craft Robo Clever Rainbow provides a platform for you to unleash your creativity and share your creations with others. Download the app and let your inner artist shine!

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