Download iMe Messenger for PC (Windows 11/10/8 & Mac)

This article is here to serve as your ultimate, easy-to-follow manual, ensuring a hassle-free download and installation process of iMe Messenger on your PC (Windows and Mac). Just by following the simple instructions, you’ll be able to smoothly bring this app onto your computer. Once it’s installed, you can start exploring and enjoying all the features and functions it has to offer.

Without wasting another moment, let’s kickstart the procedure and set the wheels in motion to bring this marvelous application to your computer.

iMe Messenger app for PC

iMe Messenger & Crypto Wallet is powered by the Telegram API and equipped with built-in tools, artificial intelligence, a crypto wallet, and blockchain capabilities, it offers a multifunctional and advanced communication experience. The development team behind iMe is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of messenger technology, creating a progressive platform that caters to a wide range of user needs.

ime messenger for pc

App Name iMe Messenger & Crypto Wallet
Developer iMe Lab
Release Date Jul 22, 2019
File Size 64 MB
Version Compatibility Android 6.0 and up
Category Communication

Features of iMe Messenger

Multifaceted Chat Management

Connect up to 5 accounts: iMe Messenger allows users to handle multiple accounts simultaneously, streamlining their communication across different platforms.

Chat grouping with topics and folders: Keep your conversations organized by grouping chats based on topics and categories.

Advanced settings for tabs and folders: Customize your chat layout for an optimized messaging experience.

Private albums in the Cloud: Securely store media in private albums within the Cloud for easy access and sharing.

Improved chat previews: Long-tap for enhanced chat previews, providing a sneak peek into your conversations.

Innovative User Interface

Multipanel in chats: Navigate through chats seamlessly with the multipanel interface, enhancing usability.

Customizable side menu: Tailor the side menu to your preferences for quick access to essential features.

Collapsible posts: Hide posts to declutter the chat interface.

Advanced context menu: Customize your context menu to execute actions according to your needs.

Wide posts and hiding bottom panel: Expand posts for a better view and minimize the bottom panel in channels.

Enhanced Messaging Tools

Multi-forwarding with options: Share messages across chats with various options, including forwarding without author attribution.

Multi-responses in groups: Engage in group discussions with the ability to respond to multiple messages at once.

Translation of messages: Translate incoming and outgoing messages to facilitate communication with international contacts.

Text extraction from images: Extract text from photos and image descriptions, enabling efficient data retrieval.

Voice message-to-text translation: Convert voice messages into text for easy understanding and archiving.

Reactions and buttons: React to messages with emojis and add buttons with links for interactive communication.

Crypto Wallet and Financial Integration

Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain support: Store, purchase, and transfer cryptocurrencies within the app.

A diverse selection of cryptocurrencies and tokens: Access a vast selection of cryptocurrencies for your financial needs.

Transfers in various formats: Transfer funds using public addresses, QR codes, user IDs, and within chats.

DeFi and staking programs: Participate in decentralized finance and staking initiatives through the app.

Integration with Simplex: Safely purchase cryptocurrencies via bank cards through Simplex integration.

Decentralized exchange: Use Uniswap and Pancakeswap for decentralized crypto exchanges.

How to Download iMe Messenger for your PC (Windows 11/10/8/7 & Mac)

Getting iMe Messenger on your Windows or Mac computer is simple! Just follow these easy steps. First, you need an Android emulator, which is a helpful tool that lets you use Android apps on your computer. Once you have the emulator ready, you can pick one of the two easy ways to download iMe Messenger. It’s as easy as pie! Let’s get started!

Method #1: Download iMe Messenger PC using Bluestacks

Step 1: First, go to the official Bluestacks website at There, you can download the latest version of the Bluestacks software, which lets you run Android apps on your computer, including iMe Messenger.

Step 2: After downloading Bluestacks, install it on your PC by following the instructions carefully.

Step 3: Once Bluestacks is installed, open it. It creates a virtual Android environment on your computer, getting it ready to run iMe Messenger.

Step 4: On the Bluestacks home screen, you’ll find the Google Play Store. Click on it and sign in using your Gmail account.

Step 5: Inside the Play Store, use the search bar to find “iMe Messenger” and select the official app.

Step 6: Click the “Install” button to download iMe Messenger into Bluestacks.

Step 7: When the installation is done, you’ll see the iMe Messenger icon on the Bluestacks home screen. Click it to launch and use iMe Messenger on your PC.

Method #2: Download iMe Messenger on PC using MEmu Play

Step 1: Visit the MEmu Play website at and download the MEmu Play software designed for Android app integration on your PC.

Step 2: Install MEmu Play by following the provided instructions.

Step 3: Launch MEmu Play on your PC and let it load completely for a smooth experience with iMe Messenger.

Step 4: In MEmu Play, access the Google Play Store by clicking on its icon and signing in with your Gmail account.

Step 5: Use the search bar in the Play Store to find “iMe Messenger” and select the official app.

Step 6: Click “Install” to download iMe Messenger. The Play Store will handle the download and installation process.

Step 7: Once the download is finished, you’ll see the iMe Messenger icon on the MEmu Play home screen. Click it to use iMe Messenger on your PC.

5 Alternative Apps


A privacy-focused messaging application that utilizes encryption and automatically deletes messages after they are read.


A decentralized messenger with a focus on privacy and encryption, ensuring secure communication.


An all-in-one messaging platform that unifies various messaging apps, including iMessage, WhatsApp, and more.

Jami (formerly Tox)

A decentralized and peer-to-peer messaging app that emphasizes privacy and avoids central servers.


A versatile messaging platform with support for end-to-end encryption and integration of various communication tools.


Can I manage multiple accounts on iMe Messenger?

Yes, iMe allows you to connect and manage up to five varying accounts at the same time.

How can I translate messages in iMe?

You can translate incoming and outgoing messages by using the integrated translation functionality.

What cryptocurrencies can I store in the crypto wallet?

iMe Messenger supports a vast selection of cryptocurrencies.

How does the application take text from images?

iMe can extract text from photos and image descriptions, making it easy to retrieve information from images.

Why should you use Neurobot assistants?

Neurobot assistants provide hasty responses by using either phrases or GIFs to enhance communication efficiency.

Can I use iMe for DeFi and staking programs?

Yes, this app supports DeFi participation and staking initiatives through its integrated crypto wallet.

How does the integrated crypto wallet ensure security?

The integrated wallet ensures security through encryption and advanced security measures, making your crypto transactions safe.

Are my data and authorization secure with iMe Messenger?

iMe Messenger prioritizes confidentiality and security, and user data is transmitted and stored securely through official client servers.


iMe Messenger & Crypto Wallet stands out as a powerful messaging platform with a plethora of unique features. From advanced chat management and a customizable interface to innovative messaging tools and an integrated crypto wallet, iMe combines convenience, security, and financial capabilities in a single app. Whether you’re looking for improved communication, financial management, or both, iMe offers a comprehensive solution that goes beyond the ordinary messaging experience. Join the iMe community to explore and utilize its diverse range of features for a truly immersive and dynamic communication journey.

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