Download Laban Key for PC (Windows 11/10/8 & Mac)

This article is here to serve as your ultimate, easy-to-follow manual, ensuring a hassle-free download and installation process of Laban Key on your PC (Windows and Mac). Just by following the simple instructions, you’ll be able to smoothly bring this app onto your computer. Once it’s installed, you can start exploring and enjoying all the features and functions it has to offer.

Without wasting another moment, let’s kickstart the procedure and set the wheels in motion to bring this marvelous application to your computer.

Laban Key app for PC

Laban Key is a dynamic virtual keyboard application. Developed by VNG GAME STUDIOS, this innovative input method has gained popularity for its intuitive features, customizable options, and user-friendly interface. If you’re looking for a keyboard app that goes beyond the basics, Laban Key might just be the solution you need to elevate your typing experience.

laban key for pc

App Name Laban Key: Vietnamese Keyboard
Developer Zalo Group
Release Date Sep 8, 2013
File Size 25 MB
Version Compatibility Android 5.0 and up
Category Tools

Features of Laban Key

Laban Key offers a range of features that make it stand out in the crowded keyboard app market:

Smart Word Prediction

Laban Key employs advanced machine learning algorithms to predict words as you type, making your messaging faster and more accurate.

Customizable Themes

Personalize your keyboard’s appearance with a variety of themes and color schemes, ensuring it matches your personal style.

Emoji and GIF Integration

Express yourself better with Laban Key’s extensive library of emojis and GIFs, easily accessible from the keyboard.

Voice Typing

Convert your speech into text effortlessly by using the voice typing feature, perfect for when you’re on the go or need a hands-free approach.

Gesture Typing

Swipe your fingers across the keyboard to form words quickly, saving you time and reducing the chances of typing errors.

Language Support

Laban Key supports a vast selection of languages, which makes it flexible for multilingual users.

Auto-correction and Spell Check

The app’s auto-correction and spell-check features help eliminate typos and improve the overall quality of your messages.

How to Download Laban Key for your PC (Windows 11/10/8/7 & Mac)

Getting Laban Key on your Windows or Mac computer is simple! Just follow these easy steps. First, you need an Android emulator, which is a helpful tool that lets you use Android apps on your computer. Once you have the emulator ready, you can pick one of the two easy ways to download Laban Key. It’s as easy as pie! Let’s get started!

Method #1: Download Laban Key PC using Bluestacks

Step 1: First, go to the official Bluestacks website at There, you can download the latest version of the Bluestacks software, which lets you run Android apps on your computer, including Laban Key.

Step 2: After downloading Bluestacks, install it on your PC by following the instructions carefully.

Step 3: Once Bluestacks is installed, open it. It creates a virtual Android environment on your computer, getting it ready to run Laban Key.

Step 4: On the Bluestacks home screen, you’ll find the Google Play Store. Click on it and sign in using your Gmail account.

Step 5: Inside the Play Store, use the search bar to find “Laban Key” and select the official app.

Step 6: Click the “Install” button to download Laban Key into Bluestacks.

Step 7: When the installation is done, you’ll see the Laban Key icon on the Bluestacks home screen. Click it to launch and use Laban Key on your PC.

Method #2: Download Laban Key on PC using MEmu Play

Step 1: Visit the MEmu Play website at and download the MEmu Play software designed for Android app integration on your PC.

Step 2: Install MEmu Play by following the provided instructions.

Step 3: Launch MEmu Play on your PC and let it load completely for a smooth experience with Laban Key.

Step 4: In MEmu Play, access the Google Play Store by clicking on its icon and signing in with your Gmail account.

Step 5: Use the search bar in the Play Store to find “Laban Key” and select the official app.

Step 6: Click “Install” to download Laban Key. The Play Store will handle the download and installation process.

Step 7: Once the download is finished, you’ll see the Laban Key icon on the MEmu Play home screen. Click it to use Laban Key on your PC.

5 Alternatives Apps

While there are numerous keyboard apps available, here are five alternatives that offer distinctive features:


Known for its unparalleled typing speed and customizable keyboard layouts.


Google’s keyboard app with built-in Google search, GIFs, and translation features.

Grammarly Keyboard

Offers real-time grammar and spell checking, ideal for those focused on improving their writing skills.


Offers excellent predictive text and AI-driven suggestions for efficient typing.

Chrooma Keyboard

Known for its adaptive color-changing theme that matches the app you’re using.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Laban Key teach me new languages?

This app doesn’t provide language lessons, but it supports typing in various languages, which can help you practice.

Is my data safe with Laban Key?

Laban Key prioritizes user privacy and security, and your data is not shared with third parties.

Can I design my themes on Laban Key?

Currently, this app offers a range of pre-designed themes, but a custom theme creator might be introduced in the future.

How accurate is Laban Key’s predictive text?

Laban Key’s predictive text is highly accurate, thanks to its machine learning algorithms and user behavior analysis.

Can I use Laban Key offline?

Yes, it works offline, ensuring you can type even without an active internet connection.

Does Laban Key support voice commands?

While it doesn’t have direct voice command integration, Laban Key offers voice typing for converting speech to text.

Is Laban Key suitable for the disabled?

Laban Key’s customizable features, like gesture typing and voice input, make it accessible and user-friendly for people with disabilities.

Can I sync my Laban Key settings across devices?

Currently, it doesn’t offer cross-device syncing, but this feature might be considered for future updates.


Laban Key is not just another keyboard app; it’s a comprehensive typing solution for Android users who want to enhance their productivity and expressiveness while communicating. With its intelligent predictive text, customizable themes, and an array of features, Laban Key stands as a testament to the ongoing innovation in the realm of virtual keyboards. Whether you’re a fast typist, an emoji enthusiast, or someone who prefers voice input, Laban Key offers a well-rounded package that caters to a diverse range of user preferences.

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