Download Lectio 365 for PC (Windows 11/10/8 & Mac)

This article is here to serve as your ultimate, easy-to-follow manual, ensuring a hassle-free download and installation process of Lectio 365 on your PC (Windows and Mac). Just by following the simple instructions, you’ll be able to smoothly bring this app onto your computer. Once it’s installed, you can start exploring and enjoying all the features and functions it has to offer.

Without wasting another moment, let’s kickstart the procedure and set the wheels in motion to bring this marvelous application to your computer.

Lectio 365 app for PC

Lectio 365 is a transformative daily devotional resource designed to guide individuals in experiencing a deeper connection with spirituality through the practice of prayer and meditation on the Bible. This app offers a structured yet flexible approach to engaging with scripture and fostering a closer relationship with God. With a diverse range of features and content, Lectio 365 has captured the hearts of more than 200,000 people worldwide, allowing them to embark on a journey of daily reflection, prayer, and personal growth.

lectio 365 for pc

App Name Lectio 365
Developer 24-7 Prayer
Release Date Nov 27, 2019
File Size 25 MB
Version Compatibility Android 5.0 and up
Category Lifestyle

Lectio 365 Features

Tune into God’s Presence

Lectio 365’s core purpose is to help users slow down and attune themselves to God’s presence and peace. Through a carefully crafted routine of 10-minute morning and night prayers, individuals can engage in moments of stillness, scripture meditation, and heartfelt communication with the divine.

Global Leaders and Insights

This app draws its strength from the wisdom of international leaders within the 24-7 Prayer movement, such as Pete Greig, Carla Harding, Izwe Nkosi, and Jill Weber. Their guidance brings a rich depth to the meditative experience, offering diverse perspectives and insights.

Morning and Night Prayers

Lectio 365 encourages a daily habit of prayer. The morning prayers follow the P.R.A.Y. framework: Pause, Rejoice, Reflect, Ask, and Yield. These prayers help users start their day on a contemplative note. The night prayers aid in reflection, rejoicing, repentance, and resting, allowing individuals to process their day and find peace.

Audio Accessibility

The app provides the convenience of downloading both Morning and Night Prayers a week in advance, enabling users to listen or read the content wherever they are, whether at home, commuting or during a moment of quiet.

Ancient Practices

Lectio 365 is inspired by the age-old practices of ‘Lectio Divina’ and ‘The Examen.’ Morning prayers follow the tradition of ‘Lectio Divina,’ which involves meditating on scripture, while night prayers adapt ‘The Examen’ for introspection and preparation for rest.

Topical and Timeless Themes

The app explores both global issues and timeless biblical themes. Users can pray about pressing global matters or dive deep into themes like ‘The Names of God’ or ‘The Teachings of Jesus.’ It also offers dedicated content for major celebrations.

Shaping Life with Purpose

Lectio 365 introduces users to the six core Christian practices. Through prayer, mission, justice, creativity, hospitality, and learning, individuals are inspired to integrate these practices into their daily lives.

Joining the 24-7 Prayer Movement

Rooted in the 24-7 Prayer movement, Lectio 365 brings decades of experience in fostering spiritual encounters. Starting as a student-led prayer vigil in 1999, the 24-7 Prayer movement has grown to encompass thousands of communities globally. The app extends the movement’s mission of deepening spiritual connections into daily routines.

How to Download Lectio 365 for your PC (Windows 11/10/8/7 & Mac)

Getting Lectio 365 on your Windows or Mac computer is simple! Just follow these easy steps. First, you need an Android emulator, which is a helpful tool that lets you use Android apps on your computer. Once you have the emulator ready, you can pick one of the two easy ways to download Lectio 365. It’s as easy as pie! Let’s get started!

Method #1: Download Lectio 365 PC using Bluestacks

Step 1: First, go to the official Bluestacks website at There, you can download the latest version of the Bluestacks software, which lets you run Android apps on your computer, including Lectio 365.

Step 2: After downloading Bluestacks, install it on your PC by following the instructions carefully.

Step 3: Once Bluestacks is installed, open it. It creates a virtual Android environment on your computer, getting it ready to run Lectio 365 smoothly.

Step 4: On the Bluestacks home screen, you’ll find the Google Play Store. Click on it and sign in using your Gmail account.

Step 5: Inside the Play Store, use the search bar to find “Lectio 365” and select the official app.

Step 6: Click the “Install” button to download Lectio 365 into Bluestacks.

Step 7: When the installation is done, you’ll see the Lectio 365 icon on the Bluestacks home screen. Click it to launch and use Lectio 365 on your PC.

Method #2: Download Lectio 365 on PC using MEmu Play

Step 1: Visit the MEmu Play website at and download the MEmu Play software designed for Android app integration on your PC.

Step 2: Install MEmu Play by following the provided instructions.

Step 3: Launch MEmu Play on your PC and let it load completely for a smooth experience with Lectio 365.

Step 4: In MEmu Play, access the Google Play Store by clicking on its icon and signing in with your Gmail account.

Step 5: Use the search bar in the Play Store to find “Lectio 365” and select the official app.

Step 6: Click “Install” to download Lectio 365. The Play Store will handle the download and installation process.

Step 7: Once the download is finished, you’ll see the Lectio 365 icon on the MEmu Play home screen. Click it to use Lectio 365 on your PC.

5  Alternatives Apps

Pray As You Go

This app offers a series of daily reflections combining scripture, music, and questions for personal prayer and meditation, catering to those seeking a multimedia approach.

Sacred Space

Providing daily guided prayer sessions, Sacred Space invites users to engage in stillness, reflection, and conversation with God, fostering contemplation and spiritual growth.


Centered around guided prayer and meditation, Abide offers diverse content for different life situations, such as stress, sleep, and anxiety, making it an ideal choice for targeted spiritual support.

The Bible App by YouVersion

While primarily a Bible app, it offers a variety of reading plans, devotionals, and features for personal reflection and growth, catering to those seeking comprehensive biblical engagement.


A customizable prayer app that helps users organize their prayer lists, ensuring a consistent practice of intercessory prayer for individuals looking to enhance their personal prayer routines.


Is Lectio 365 Suitable for Beginners?

Absolutely! Lectio 365 provides a structured yet accessible approach that accommodates both seasoned practitioners and those new to the practice of daily devotions.

Can I Customize My Prayers?

While the core prayers are consistent, Lectio 365 allows for personal reflection and adaptation within the framework provided.

Are the Leaders’ Voices accessible through the application?

Yes, users can enjoy audio content featuring the voices of leaders like Pete Greig, Carla Harding, Izwe Nkosi, and Jill Weber.

Can I Use Lectio 365 Offline?

Yes, users can download the Morning and Night Prayers in advance, enabling offline access.

Is There a Community within the application?

Lectio 365 focuses on personal devotion, but it’s connected to the larger 24-7 Prayer movement, which provides opportunities for community engagement.

Can I Explore Different Bible Translations?

The app primarily uses a set text for its meditation, but users can explore different translations alongside the app.

How Does Lectio 365 Incorporate Modern Issues?

Lectio 365 thoughtfully integrates current global issues into its content, providing relevant prayers and reflections.

Is Lectio 365 Aligned with Any Particular Denomination?

Lectio 365 is designed to be inclusive, welcoming individuals from various Christian denominations and traditions.


Lectio 365 isn’t just an app; it’s a spiritual journey waiting to be explored. With its daily prayers, thought-provoking themes, ancient practices, and global perspectives, it offers a unique approach to personal growth and communion with the divine. Rooted in the rich legacy of the 24-7 Prayer movement, Lectio 365 empowers individuals to develop a habit of spiritual reflection and connection, fostering a deeper relationship with Jesus and a greater understanding of themselves within the context of a diverse global community of faith.

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